Endodontics is the treatment of infected or potentially infected tissue in the interior part of the tooth, with the aim to establish a root canal filling which is sealed tight against a bacterial recontamination. The tooth needs afterwards to be reconstructed with a full or partial crown to avoid a recolonisation with bacteria and to protect it against fracture. We realize these treatments with the aid of magnifying glasses and mechanical as well as electronic systems to assure a good long term prognosis for the stability of the tooth
Endodontics is the treatment of infected or potentially infected tissue in the interior part of the tooth, with the aim to establish a root canal filling which is sealed tight against a bacterial recontamination. The tooth needs afterwards to be reconstructed with a full or partial crown to avoid a recolonisation with bacteria and to protect it against fracture. We realize these treatments with the aid of magnifying glasses and mechanical as well as electronic systems to assure a good long term prognosis for the stability of the tooth